The research work of our own Prof. Stefano Gualeni was at the center of the attention of two popular podcast series just last week. He appeared at a guest on both the New Books Network podcast (featuring over 15000 interviews with scholars, experts, and authors) and on the Ricercati series (a prominent podcast spotlighting the work of successful Italian researchers all around the world [in Italian]).
In his interview with the New Books Network podcast, led by German game scholar Rudolf Thomas Inderst, Stefano talked about his latest book (the Sci-Fi novella 'The Clouds', published last year with Routledge) and its relevance for the field of game studies in particular. You can listen to the episode here: https://newbooksnetwork.com/the-clouds (24 January 2024).
Francesca Milano was, instead, the host of the Ricercati podcast (Chora Media). Her interview with Stefano had a broader focus, and more broadly spanned Stefano’s work as well as his career trajectory and his experiences as an academic living abroad. The conversation also mentioned his upcoming book in Italian titled ‘IL VIDEOGIOCO DEL MONDO’ (out for Time0 in the Spring of 2024). Similar to the previous one, this episode can be freely listened to here: https://player.fm/series/ricercati-storie-dei-cervelli-italiani-nel-mondo-intesa-sanpaolo-on-air/i-videogiochi-sono-una-cosa-seria (25 January 2024 [in Italian]).
As Prof. Stefano Gualeni continues to bridge the gap between academic research and the popular culture, his insights serve as an inspiration for aspiring scholars and enthusiasts alike. These podcast interviews demonstrate the far-reeaching impact of his contributions to the evolving landscape of game studies, science-fiction studies, and virtual worlds research.
Stefano is part of the Digital Humanities Research Group, formed by faculty members and students from the Institute of Digital Games, examines what games are, what they do, and how we experience them. Current research threads include tracking and mapping the differences in representation between traditional fiction and virtual reality, the player-avatar relationship in games, architecture and the built environment in game worlds, music and musicking practices in games, and the use of videogames as philosophical tools.
For more information about Stefano's latest book 'The Clouds', here is a useful link: https://newworkinphilosophy.substack.com/p/stefano-gualeni-university-of-malta