Together with the Centre for the Digital Humanities, and as part of his visiting professorship at the University of Gothenburg, IDG's Stefano Gualeni is organizing a day-long seminar titled
This seminar will feature a number of scholars in the field of game studies and philosophy of computer games that are related to the IDG, and will take place on the
21st of September, 2018 at the University of Gothenburg.
Among the speakers, IDG's Stefano Gualeni and Daniel Vella, Marcello Gomez Maureira (PhD student co-supervised at the IDG), as well as our partners in the CURIO project from the University of Skövde.
The event is open to the public, so if you are in Sweden feel free to join us for this interesting events which looks at:
Contact person: Jonas Ingvarsson
09.15 - Introduction & Welcome
09.30 - Prof. Stefano Gualeni (Institute of Digital Games, University of Malta):
Philosophy with (and within) the Digital
10.00 - Justyna Janik (Jagellonian University of Krakow, Poland):
Game/r - Play/er - Bio-Object: A posthuman approach to the player-game relationship
10.30 - Coffee break
11.00 - Dr. Daniel Vella (Institute of Digital Games, University of Malta):
Ludic Subjectivity: Being-in-the-Gameworld as Existential Project
11.30 - Nele Van de Mosselaer (Antwerp University, Belgium):
Fictional Desires towards Fictional Worlds
13.30 - Prof. Lissa Holloway-Attaway (University of Skövde, Sweden):
Performing Digital Heritage Games with/in an Evolving Digital Humanities Context
14.00 - Marcello Gomez Maureira (Leiden University, The Netherlands):
Designing for Curiosity
14.30 - Coffee break
15.00 – Dr. Björn Berg Marklund (University of Skövde, Sweden):
The persistent problems of Digital Game-Based Learning
15.30 – Prof. Jonas Linderoth (University of Skövde, Sweden):
Superheroes, Greek gods and sport stars: Ecological empowerment in digital games