Prof. Stefano Gualeni gave talks at two major Swedish Universities - University of Gothenburg and University of Skovde - this February. The Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Gothenburg hired our Prof. Stefano Gualeni (in the picture) as a visiting researcher in 2018 and 2019.
One of his recent talks titled "Experience Machines" (inspired by Robert Nozick's famed thought-experiment 'The Experience Machine') was not only filmed, but also made available publicly. uring his visit in February he also presented on the contents of a recent book chapter of his entitled 'Experience machines'.
If you have 50 minutes to spare to know more about the relationships between philosophy of technology, existentialism, and virtual reality, make sure to click the link below!
Prof. Gualeni also refers to his playable philosophy work with strong ties to language games philosophy such as Something Something Soup Something a game based on Wittgenstein's ideas of language and HERE which deals with the concept of indexicality. The players are challenged to engage with- (and be puzzled by-) what it means when the word “here” is used in a computer game... Or, rather, how many meanings of “here” can co-exist in a computer world. The game features cameos by award-winning Interactive Fiction writer Emily Short and IDG lecturer and award-winning game designer extraordinaire Pippin Barr.
University of Skovde and the Institute of Digital Games are also connected by a few international projects on which they collaborate since 2016. The IDG was also an important contributor to the Game Studies and the Digital Humanities conference organised at Skovde University on the 21st September 2018. It is this continued involvement in game design projects that contributes to the Institute of Digital Games consistent ranking as one of the top 25 postgraduate programmes in game design in the world. Stay up to date with more events and publications by subcribing to our Newsletter below.